This is a list of countries with the longest study hours. Is Indonesia included?

This is a list of countries with the longest study hours.  Is Indonesia included? Singapore Have you ever thought why many hospitals in Singapore have beautiful and professional medical facilities and personnel, it turns out that this is supported by the existence of an education system in Singapore which is certainly very commendable. This country which is close to Indonesia turns out to have class hours for names from Indonesia on average.  

On average, students in Singapore start their study hours at 07.30 and finish at 16.00 in the afternoon students get about one hour of break time for lunch or other activities outside of school hours even though each day only spends only six and a half hours on average  every student in Singapore spends time on homework about one and a half to two hours a day from here it is clear that students in Singapore have to fight with all their might for eight hours a day in order to get very good

 achievements China as a very developed country in the Asian region  implement his education policy with full consideration normally he China starts his academic year in September and will end in July of the following year all students especially in middle and high school You study from morning at 07.30 and end at 17.00 every day students will be given special lessons especially technology  computer mathematics and also Mandarin in certain programs students in China are also required to be creative and also make innovations New lunch hours at school usually run for two hours so that students can take a break before continuing their studies again Until Japan is finished talking about the education system  

Japan is the best, even Japan is a country in which Japan is known for its very strong norms and reliable and agile people, so many people are curious about how long school hours are in Japan. Is it the same as Indonesia or the education system in other developed countries?  for school entry hours in Japan, which is an average of 09.00 am local time for how long. School hours in Japan itself the time is divided based on the level of the school as in elementary school School starts at around nine in the morning until 13.00 local time for Junior High School the school will finish  15.00 30 and for High School it will finish at 19.00 local time.

Wow, it's been a long time, yes, South Korea, a country that is famous for its k-pop wife, turns out to set school hours that are quite long for students, which is different from all other countries in South Korea.  can spend almost eleven hours per day studying at school. Elementary school students will go to school from 8 am to 13.00. Junior high school students start at 08.00 to 1630 while high school students just finish school at 22.00 there are additional learning activities to improve 

academic quality or extracurricular activities that must be followed  high school students here South Korea  tan is a country with a strong culture of educational discipline, students in South Korea also go to school on Saturdays to take additional lessons or study activities with Kian until late at night every day, the implementation of a disciplined and quite extreme education system can indeed improve the quality of education of the population, 

but there are also many  Students in South Korea are stressed and frustrated if they are unable to keep up with the rhythm of crowded and naked school activities. Don't be surprised if South Korea is included in the list of countries with the best education in the world. That was a review of the country with the longest school hours in the world.  schools like those countries

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